Messaging companions on WhatsApp, clicking selfies with the camera or scribbling down notes. We do as such much with our Android phones and in this way, it's critical to monitor things you may foul up on your gadget. Nowadays, everybody tends to give out tips to expand your Android gadget's RAM, battery and so forth yet risks are, those tips are accomplishing more wrong than right.
All things considered, we are here to tell you about the 10 things you are doing wrong with your Android phone:
#1 Using memory boosters or cleaners
The first wrong thing you are doing on your Android phone is installing unnecessary memory cleaning or boosting apps like 'Clean master' or 'DU speed booster'. Doing this doesn't make any sense because what these apps do is, they stop apps which are running in the background. There's no benefit of doing this because those apps restart automatically on their own. Android is that smart, it knows when and which app to start in the background. So stop using them.
#2 Installing Antivirus apps on your phone
Well, you only need these apps when you are sideloading apps from untrusted websites. Antivirus is only meant for PCs because there are too many viruses on the internet which could lock, damage or slow down your PC. In most cases Android is less targeted for a virus attack. So if you download apps or any other files from an untrusted site then only you can rely on the antivirus app.
#3 Using duplicate chargers to charge you phone
I have noticed so many people using a duplicate or a compatible charger to charge their phones which are much cheaper than the original one. Doing this will definitely affect your phone's battery. I'm not telling you to only use the charger which came with phone but use a reputed company charger which won't affect the battery. So avoid using duplicate chargers.
#4 Downloading apps from untrusted websites
If you're downloading and installing apps from an untrusted website then it might install virus as well, as I mentioned above about using antivirus apps. If you want any app, download it from play store or some reputed websites. If you're not able to find it on play store, download it from elsewhere and scan it for viruses.
#5 Using cache cleaning apps
Again installng these apps make no sense because you can clear the cache manually by heading over to settings>storage> clear cached data. Simply these apps run in the background and eat lots of battery.
#6 Using phone with full brightness at night
I'm not saying all are doing it but there are few who will use their phone on full brightness even at night which might affect your eyes and even you won't feel sleepy because when you see a bright light at night or blue light specifically, your brain thinks that still night has not begun. Your brain would not release the hormone which makes you feel sleepy. To overcome this you can lower the brightness or you can use apps like Night mode or Pixel filter which would decrease the brightness below the minimum level.
#7 Using battery saving apps
These apps claim to save your battery and maximise it but in reality it's not possible. If they really want to do it then they will have to reduce the enery demand in android firmware which is not possible without root access. These apps can only tell you or warn you about the temperature of the phone and also stop background apps which is same like using a memory booster app as I mentioned above. Stop using these too.
#8 Browsing with Incognito mode
If you're using Chrome, UC browser, Opera or any other web browser in incognito mode thinking that your are putting your privacy at low risk, then you are wrong. What incognito mode does is, it will not save your browsing history. Your information will be still visible to the server. The ads will still appear. So there's no difference in browsing normally or with incognito mode.
#9 Allowing permissions to unknown apps
When we install any app either from Play store or other websites, it asks for permissions such as storage, microphone, camera, location etc. We do give all the permissions without even checking the app. Doing that your are putting your data at risk which might be stolen or hacked as you've given all the permissions. From next time onwards while installing any app just analyze why it is asking specific permissions.
#10 Clearing recent apps
Some people clear recent apps thinking that it will boost your android phone but that's not true. It's not that you should not clear the apps, you should, but those which you don't use frequently. Clearing all the apps and starting them again will use more resources which might cause more power consumption. So don't clear apps from now onwards.
So that was it! Do follow all the points to keep your phone consistently working. I hope you liked it. If you have any doubts comment below. Happy to help you.
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